Bishop Karen Gorham gave us a first class sermon on giving and, towards the end of a fabulous Choral Evensong, asked for God's blessing on a new Lady Chapel altar. She anointed it with the Oil of Chrism, which had been blessed in Salisbury Cathedral during Maundy Thursday's Renewal of Vows. Our thanks to Philip Elliott, bell ringers, musicians, and those providing refreshments.
Bishop Karen, Adrian Light, Tim West, Brian Ellis,
Philip Elliott, Harry Barnes, John Clark
January change at Preston St Andrew will see Sunday formal 11.15am worship move forward to 10.30am. This will make it easier for both informal worshippers [starting as now at 10.00am] and formal worshippers to join together for refreshments and fellowship. Our thanks to all who gave feedback at the open meeting, by email or letter. The new pattern will be reviewed in September.
Looking after our churchyards is a massive task, so thanks to all who help. Families are responsible for the upkeep of individual graves. If you would like to help out do get in touch with one of our churchwardens.